This is a test to measure the penetration strength of ground, subgrades and base courses during new roads constructions. It was developed by California Department of Transportation to make sure roads are constructed on perfect areas of the earth. The first step is to measure the pressure needed to penetrate soil or surface in a bid to avoid unnecessary destruction of land.  ASTM Standards D1883-05, D4429 and AASHTO T193 are the standards used in describing perfect CBR outcomes on soils and rocks.

You have found roads degrading in quality and cracking easily after some time of usage. That is simply due to the weight being exerted on that particular road by the vehicles passing on it. CBR is used to measure the load bearing capacity of soils in a bid to construct roads that will be durable and safe for the purposed carriage means. It can even measure load bearing capacity of airstrips to make sure only the appropriate places can land in those areas without causing any damage. The higher the CBR, the tougher the road and this means it can support heavy loads and materials without breaking or cracking.

There is a formula used to determine CBR and the common or toughest stone is limestone that has a CBR rating of 100. This means all materials are rated based on this stone and you can be sure to achieve excellent measurements if you use the formula perfectly.

The CBR rating is a perfect measure of land toughness and this means only roads that are of perfect quality can be constructed. Even safety is improved because engineers are able to construct only the best roads that are in line with the carriage requirements. Roads destructions are immensely reduced since people now know what kind of a road is used for what purpose. Testing is done in lab, onsite or by use of equipment that reveals load bearing capacities of surfaces and rocks. Once it is done, construction can then start and the road or carriage way will be up to the task because it will be robust enough to support what is intended to support.


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