Know a How Crack Measuring Device Works
Cracks are likely
to occur on concrete structures over time, and they could indicate underlying
damage that must be addressed as soon as possible. For this reason, civil
engineers rely on crack measuring devices to determine the size and the depth
of cracks. There are many different
crack measuring devices that are used for different applications. Here are
some of them:
Digital Position Strain
Gauge Deformation Meter:
This device is one
of the most precise options for crack measuring equipment. It comes with a
digital dial gauge, which is attached to a bar. A conical point is fixed and
mounted at one end of that bar, and a moving conical point at the other end.
There is a setting out bar to position pre-drilled stainless steel discs, which
are then attached to a structure with an adhesive. The conical points are
inserted into holes in the discs when a reading must be made. This way, any
strain changes in the structure are translated into a change on the dial
gauge's reading.
Measuring Magnifier:
Concrete structures
typically have maximum crack width criteria that are between 0.2mm and 0.3mm. This
range can easily be measured with a cost-effective magnifier. A good magnifier
should come with 10x magnification, a 20mm x 0.1mm measuring range, a 32mm
field of view, and a special design that lets you read on dark and light
objects. Some magnifiers are self-illuminating, so you can use them in poorly
lit areas.
Field Microscope:
This is a small,
portable, and lightweight microscope that can perform the tasks of measuring
magnifiers and heavy high-end microscopes. Its magnification is 50 times
greater than a standard microscope, making it useful when you need an accurate
measurement of the width of small cracks to a precision of 0.02mm. Its
calibrated focusing ring allows you to measure the depth of cracks, too.
Crack Metres:
A crack width metre
is like a ruler designed to help you compare crack sizes and get an approximate
crack size when performing visual surveys. Another type of crack metre is the
vibrating wire, which measures the movement across joints and surface cracks in
concrete, soil, structures, and rock. It has a sensor on the outer body tube,
and an inner sliding rod, which is linked via a spring to a vibrating wire
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