How To Use A Schmidt Hammer Properly

Schmidt hammer’s are known to be a important instruments that can be used for testing concrete. The Schmidt Hammer measures the rebound energy of a mass impelled at the concrete surface. From this the concrete strength can be estimated. Schmidt hammer’s can also referred to as a rebound hammers. 
Once you have bought a Schmidt hammer for use, it is very important to understand the ways and means to make the most use of the same. Listed below are some simple steps using which you will be able to use a Schmidt hammer properly: 

  • Refer to ASTM C805-13: 
The very first method while using the Schmidt hammer is to refer to ASTM C805-13. This standard helps to provide the procedure pertaining to the test method for the rebound number of the concrete that has become hardened. 

  • Calibrate the hammer: 
The next step to use the Schmidt hammer is to calibrate it. A good supplier provides equipment along with a calibration certificate as well as recalibration services. 

  • Ready the concrete to carry out testing: 
In order to carry out testing using a Schmidt hammer, you must make sure that the concrete is clean and dry. Remove all kinds of loose particles resting on it to make it smooth and ready to use. Do not carry out any testing on a rough surface. 

  • Hold the hammer properly: 
To carry out the Schmidt hammer test, you must hold is properly. If you use it properly, you would easily be able to read the readings. Holding the hammer at an perpendicular to the surface is highly recommended by the experts.

  • Identify the results of reading: 
the Schmidt hammer should be used to take 10-12 different readings. Each reading should be made 2cm separate from the other. After this, you must determine the average value. 

Testing the Schmidt hammer becomes much easier if you follow the above-listed steps rightly. Proper use of the Schmidt hammer is highly recommended to figure out the right kind of reading. 


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