Why You Need to Do Concrete Strength Test?
Concrete must be tested for quality assurance. At times, it is conducted for assessing structural conditions in their final form and before performing any repairs on a structure. The compressive strength of concrete is determined as an estimate by correlating mechanical properties like ultrasonic wave velocity and surface hardness with lab-based destructive tests. Concrete strength is measured by a compression test, which will determine the ability of the material to resist loads that may compress it. Compressive strength is determined by crushing a cylindrical specimen of concrete in a compression testing machine. The results of a compressive strength test can be used to determine if the concrete mixture delivered to the construction site is able to meet the specified strength requirements for the job. Concrete cylinders are produced and cured following the procedures indicated in ASTM C-31, and the specimens are tested according to ASTM C-39. The test results depict the ...