Predict The Behaviour of Soil with Soil Testing Equipment
The soil
often serves as the base of foundations of structures, support for roads, and
other crucial infrastructure. For this reason, soil testing is one of the
mandatory tests construction companies, and engineering firms conduct to
predict the mechanical behaviour of soils. With the proper soil testing
equipment, it is easier to determine the behaviour and quality of the soil
before you begin building on it. The equipment is designed to be accurate in
characterising soil samples on-site or in the laboratory. High-end systems come
with tools for collecting samples, classifying soils, conducting mechanical
property evaluation, and testing the completed sub base or road base on site.
triaxial shear test system is among the commonly used soil testing equipment.
It measures the mechanical properties of soils and other deformable solids,
like clay, sand, and granular materials. In this test, the effects of certain
applications like excavations, tunnelling, and building constructions on soil
can be simulated successfully. A triaxial test determines the relationship
between stress and strain in undisturbed soil specimens by subjecting the
sample to different drainage conditions and stress levels. The most advanced
triaxial test systems automatically conduct compression tests on remoulded and
cylindrical undisturbed soil samples.
Another way to predict the
behaviour of soil is by the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test. CBR
testing machines measure the strength of the highway sub base and subgrade and
subgrade soil with a penetration test. It is aimed at testing cohesive
materials of a particular size, usually less than 19mm. There are different
types of CBR test machines and are often classified as field testing systems or
laboratory equipment.
In this test, the effects of certain applications like excavations, tunnelling, and building constructions on soil can be simulated successfully. Testing Equipment