
Showing posts from September, 2016

Resistivity Measurement with ResiPod Resistivity Meter

Measuring surface resistivity is crucial to determine the state of the concrete structure. Surface resistivity is known to be directly related to the chances of corrosion occurring and the rate of corrosion. Studies have shown a direct correlation between chloride diffusion rate and resistivity, too. For this reason, a ResiPod resistivity meter is used to measure concrete resistivity in a non-destructive manner. The ResiPod is a comprehensive four-point Wenner probe device. It is extremely fast, accurate and reliable device for conducting resistivity measurements. High-quality resistivity meters come with a waterproof and robust housing that can be used in the most demanding job environments. Resistivity is among the major factors that become present at the onset of corrosion, which requires a flow of ions between cathodic and anodic sites on the reinforcement in the concrete. Resistivity is the one responsible for controlling the rate of the flow of ions. Hence, it directly con...

Predict The Behaviour of Soil with Soil Testing Equipment

The soil often serves as the base of foundations of structures, support for roads, and other crucial infrastructure. For this reason, soil testing is one of the mandatory tests construction companies, and engineering firms conduct to predict the mechanical behaviour of soils. With the proper soil testing equipment, it is easier to determine the behaviour and quality of the soil before you begin building on it. The equipment is designed to be accurate in characterising soil samples on-site or in the laboratory. High-end systems come with tools for collecting samples, classifying soils, conducting mechanical property evaluation, and testing the completed sub base or road base on site. The triaxial shear test system is among the commonly used soil testing equipment. It measures the mechanical properties of soils and other deformable solids, like clay, sand, and granular materials. In this test, the effects of certain applications like excavations, tunnelling, and building constructi...

Know More About the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Tester

Using an ultrasonic pulse velocity tester is a good way to check the quality of natural rocks and concrete. The device is designed for conducting an ultrasonic pulse velocity test, which assesses the quality and strength of rock or concrete by measuring the velocity of the ultrasonic pulse as it passes through the material being tested. The tester sends a pulse of the ultrasonic wave through the concrete and measures the time it takes for the pulse to get through the material. The pulse velocity will depend on the elastic properties and density of the material, and these are related to the material's strength and quality. High velocities prove the continuity and good quality of the material, and slower velocities may depict voids and cracks in the concrete. The most basic theory of ultrasonic testing is known as 'time of flight', which pertains to timing the arrival of the ultrasonic pulse from a transducer to another through a material, like concrete. In standard ope...

Concrete Compression Test by Testing Equipment

Concrete is one of the commonly used structural materials in construction. It must be tested to make sure its quality meets the requirement—whether for building homes and commercial establishments or for building roads. One of the best ways to verify the quality of concrete is by using concrete compression testing equipment. The objective of a concrete compression test is to determine the quality and strength of concrete and its suitability for the application. Special equipment has been developed to make it easier and quicker to test the strength and quality of concrete while ensuring accurate results. Different types of equipment are available to suit the varying requirements of engineers and builders. The manual cement compression and flexure testing machine can have one or two testing chambers to perform reliable flexure and strength tests on mortar samples. Manual machines are ideal for on-site testing when electric power supply is not reliable in the area. They are a low-co...