
Understand the Proper Use and Application of Ground Penetrating Radar for High Accuracy

  Ground penetrating radar  is an essential piece of equipment for surveying construction sites and other areas where subsurface exploration is required before digging or concrete cutting. The technology has come a long way, making GPR more useful in other fields, including forensic science, land surveying, groundwater studies, airport runway monitoring, and concrete post-tensioning and reinforcing. Plus, it helps find underground pipes and wires and detect unexploded land mines.     GPR can gather, assess, analyse, and process massive amounts of data to provide valuable information to contractors and relevant users. Since it uses high-frequency pulsed electromagnetic waves, it allows you to investigate what’s underground without digging, probing, or drilling. As such, it’s an economical method for finding and mapping buried structures.     Making the most of it GPR has gone through significant enhancements over the past few years, with recent...

The Different Types of Rebar Locators and Their Uses

  A  rebar locator helps you find steel reinforcement bars to verify their position in concrete structures and determine their concrete cover. Specific types of reinforcement, such as post-tension or pretension strands and glass fibre rebar, require GPR systems for precision. Steel fibre reinforcement requires ultrasonic locators, as it causes magnetic rebar locators or GPR to malfunction.   Let’s take a look at the most high-end and reliable locators and their applications.   Profometer PM8000   The PM8000 is the successor to our Profoscope and Profometer cover meter ranges, the latest tool from Screening Eagle Technologies. It is an easy-to-use system with the full capabilities of a regular cover metre in a compact, streamlined package without loss of accuracy.   It can locate the depth from the surface of the concrete to the top of reinforcing steel, locate steel in concrete, or estimate the diameter of the bars. It comes with a Rifl...

Top-Notch Concrete Scanning with the Help of Ground-Penetrating Radar

  Concrete scanning involves non-destructive methods to assess the integrity of a structure and find embedded utilities before performing actions like drilling, cutting, and coring. One of the best ways to do this is with  ground penetrating radar , which use reflected radio waves for a non-invasive, safer, and effective way to analyse materials, such as walls, slabs, and columns.   GPR is an imaging technology that gained prominence in subsurface earth exploration. However, its usefulness extended to concrete structure analysis. Using electromagnetic wave propagation, GPR equipment images and identifies changes in magnetic and electrical properties in the material. As such, systems can easily locate reinforcing, underground utility lines, and post-tensioning in concrete. They’re also practical for these applications:   ·        Analysing the structural integrity of aeroplane runways ·        Condu...

Crack-Measuring Devices: Essential Tools for Quality Assurance and Safety Monitoring

  Crack monitoring is essential to identify, measure, and record fractures or crevices. To do this, you need an appropriate  crack-measuring device . You’ll find a wide range of tools for measuring the width and changes in crack width. Some support visual inspection methods within their specified range. Alternatively, you can use advanced tools that enhance safety monitoring and quality assurance. No matter what you decide to use, make sure it enhances safety monitoring and quality assurance for your structures. Here is an overview of some of the essential tools you can use.   Digital position strain gauge deformation metre   This  crack-measuring device  is a digital dial gauge connected to a bar. It has a fixed conical point on one end and an articulated conical point on the opposite end’s knife edge pivot. You need a setting-out bar to set the pre-drilled discs attached to the structure with an appropriate adhesive. For every reading, the conical...

Best and Most Effective Way of Testing Concrete Strength and Quality

  Investigating the physical behaviours, strength attributes, and elasticity of concrete is essential for the success of a project. Utilisinga   tool to test for strength of concrete simplifies this process. The Schmidt Hammer is one such tool, and it comes in various models to suit different materials like mortar, cement and rock.   You can determine concrete quality by looking into the density, penetrability, modulus, and elastic properties. But what is the most effective way to test the strength of concrete? Let’s take a look at every option.   Original Schmidt Hammer   The classic  Schmidt hammer  is the rebound hammer, which comes with a sensor for measuring the rebound value of the test impact. The R value mechanism measures the height of the impact mass ’ rebound after impact, its affected by direction so you need a upwards, horizontal and downward measurements to create curves for before crushing.   Silver Schmidt Live Ham...

How to Check Moisture through Concrete Moisture Meter?

  Concrete is a significant construction material that gets used in every structure. Construction experts prefer concrete to make the stronger foundations and the walls that are supposed to bear more loads. Even though it guarantees a sturdy construction, moisture can cause negative impacts on it. Moisture usually buildup on the walls that do not have exposure to air and sunlight as it cannot dry on its own! To avoid all the risks and to better protect the structure, experts keep an eye on the moisture buildup by using the concrete moisture meter . These meters give accurate readings of the moisture buildup in the concrete slab and let the expert take necessary measures on time to avoid any potential troubles. How does concrete moisture meter work? It is a non-destructive testing procedure in which the change in the material capacitance helps determine the moisture content. The material under test gets infused with a high-frequency electrical signal. The variation in the capa...

What are the Working and Applications of Soil Extensometer?

  Ensuring safety is one of the crucial aspects of the construction industry. Thus, it is significant to do extensive quality control and test everything before building a structure. As the durability of a building depends largely on its foundation, it is vital to check the soil type before anything else. Experts use different types of equipment like the soil extensometer to determine how the soil moves and if it is wise to set up a structure over it! What is a soil extensometer?   It is the equipment that consists of sensory assembly that have flanges mounted with necessary parts like adjustment unit, adaptors, sockets and extension rods. All these parts make up for a soil extensometer that can measure the displacement of the soil in the horizontal direction. There are anchors placed at different positions that help measure the incremental movement of the soil. Working of a soil extensometer The working principle of a soil extensometer is to measure displacement. Th...